Women’s Circles
My circles are underpinned with the theme of ‘soul retrival’ – reclaiming the parts of ourselves that we have rejected, run from, repressed or played out in destructive ways.
We will investigate the major symbolic/physiological and spiritual transitions that occur in life-from birth to death. The invitation is to dive deep into the psyche and uncover the unmet parts of each transitionary stage, in order to discover default patterns of behaviour and inherent responses to life.
We will incorporate ritual, breathwork, meditation, creative expression, sharing, journalling and deep self-enquiry. This is not a ‘feel-good or fluffy’ experience, but an honest examination of all that we are in an intimate and safe space. This takes courage, which comes from the Latin ‘cor’ or heart. It is ”to speak ones truth by telling all one’s heart”- Brene Brown.
I look forward to sharing this experience with you.
In order to create and nuture as safe a place as possible, numbers are limited to 10 women and circles will take place in my home in a relaxed, warm and welcoming environment. I look forward to sharing this experience with you. Feel free to contact me, if you have any further questions.
Sessions will run in 6 or 7- week blocks for 2.5 hours each week. Chai and snacks provided.
See the 2025 timetable for exact dates.
Term 1 – 6 sessions. Every Friday 12-2.30pm for 6 weeks.
- Summer- Innocence/Nurturing East and north
- Exploring significant life transitions/female archetypes.
- The archetypes of daughter – birth – first transition
- Maiden- Innocence/creative exploration, freedom, true interests (7 or 8 look back)
- Blood sister – menarche – blood rite/first love
- Lover- Passion/sexuality/sacred union- initiation
- Mother- creator/nurturer/projects- blood rite initiation parenthood
- Midwife- helping birth ideas/projects/ supporting others
Term 2 – 7 weeks
- Autumn/Winter – Power/Wisdom/Death West and South
- Amazon- courageous warrioress
- Matriarch- decision maker/leader
- Priestess- intuitive/spiritual quest
- Sorceress- deep self inquiry/seer/shaman/visionary
- Crone- wisdom keeper/trickster- initiation into sagehood
- Dark Mother/Transformer- shadow walker/she who sees in the dark- initiation death
Term 3
- Winter/Spring- 7 sessions
- Resoration/Repair
- Rebalancing the seven major energy centres in the body using meditation, mantra, somatic movement, creative expression and self-inquiry.
- Muladhara or Root Chakra- Security and Survival
- Svadishana or Sacral Chakra- Creativity
- Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra- Action and Balance
- Anahata or Heart Chakra- Love and Compassion
- Vishuddha or Throat Chakra – Projective Power of the Word
- Ajna or Third Eye Chakra- Intuition, Wisdom and Identity
- Sahasara or Crown Chakra – Humility and Vastness
I have had the pleasure of attending a number of Ginny’s offerings, all of them being an incredibly nurturing and transformational experience. Ginny has such a beautiful, warm and wise presence and she creates a safe and supportive space for everyone to open up and connect (to others and to themselves). I always come away feeling lighter, nourished, more grounded, and with a renewed sense of clarity. Ginny is the real deal and cares about every person whose life she touches through her work. She also has a wonderful sense of humour which is always very welcome. I can’t recommend Ginny’s sessions highly enough.🌻